The story of the Bassermann-Jordan winery is the story of a family dynasty which, together with others, established and greatly influenced quality-based viticulture in Germany for almost 300 years. Each generation produced great personalities who used their intelligence, expertise and flair as well as their financial and political influence to safeguard and improve the reputation of the winery and the outstanding wines produced in the Palatinate area of Germany – until they ended up among the top echelon of the wine world. As respected politicians they have contact with the most influential personalities of their times and contribute greatly to the improvement of the legal and regulatory framework concerning viticulture. As patrons of the arts, they donate valuable objects to a variety of museums and render outstanding services to preserve the cultural heritage of the Palatinate region. As scientists, they work on improving wine-growing methods and write the definitive book on the history of viticulture. As experts in viticulture, they neither spare costs nor efforts to consistently develop their skills, their knowledge and the quality of their estate.